Where can I find uniform info?
More info here on our Culture page
How can I see my child's progress?
Ask for your PowerSchool and DeansList Parent Portal information here
How can I register my child for school?
Frederick Douglass is a OneApp participating School. Please click here to apply through the OneApp.
Once we you receive the alert from OneApp that your child is coming aboard, our registrar will send your registration access code to register here.
How can I change my address or get my child's student number for PEBT
Please call 504-373-6255 or complete this form Parent Contact and Comments Form
How do I provide registration documentation?
You may text, email, or drop off the requested two proofs or residency, transcript and/or final report card, parent/guardian ID, and birth certificate to fdhsoffice@kippneworleans.org or text to 504-356-2239
When are assignments due?
ALL students are expected to complete assignments by their designated deadlines
Students should ask to attempt assignments again until they earn a mastery score
What if I haven't received my child's report card or need a record?
Please email dsnell@kippneworleans.org, text 504-356-2239, or complete this form Parent Contact and Comments Form
How can I get bus information?
Updated Bus schedules will be emailed and texted in mid-July. We used the address you provided in the registration form.
If you did not complete registration please do so here and alert us here once complete
When do Bard students begin?
August 1. Bard will reach out directly to families with details.
How do I pay my child's budget?
Budget's may be paid through the FDHS Square Site https://frederickadouglasshighschool.square.site/
You will need to provide information about who you are paying for and for what. Coaches and sponsors will provide the budget amounts for teams and auxiliaries. More information about Senior and Junior Budgets will be posted on their respective Pages.
What is happening with the building?
The building sustained damage from Ida that needs to be repaired.
When will we receive progress reports?
Students will receive progress reports weekly. Families are encouraged to check PowerSchool and email routinely for updates. If PowerSchool is inaccessible, please reach out to your advisor.